The Customer's construction program analysis as provided by restrictions and instructions, preliminary estimation of work cost and materials;
Identification of necessary technical specifications and tasks availability as well as of other documentation or auxiliary data, and services rendering as to its obtaining;
Estimation of general work schedule and remarks delivery;
Estimation of requirements concerning budget, remarks and recommendations preparation;
If no design solutions and estimate documentation is available, then preliminary construction cost presentation for reference price determination;
Consultation of the Customer concerning any correction to preliminary construction cost;
Required information preparation for competition as to separate kinds of work;
Contractors and executors' offers analysis carrying out;
Consultation of the Customer at preparation and conclusion of contracts (agreements) with contractors and executors;
Assistance rendering in executors selection, receiving offers from them, preparation and contracts allocation;
Analysis of interrelated works schedule fulfilment for the purpose of all representatives provision with work, which are involved into work at the site;
Consultation of the Customer at possible defects and shortcomings detection in the executors and designers' work, recommendations preparation for its elimination and exclusion in the future;
Replacements estimation and revision of drawings, technical specifications and other documentation resulting from it;
To consult regarding reworks if breaches occurred during the construction process, to define a structure of necessary services resulted from contractors and executors negligence employed by the Customer;
Services rendering as to estimation of a big number of claims from contractors and executors;
Services rendering at arbitration;
Analysis performance of separate decisions financial feasibility;
Materials and products selection for its agreement with the Customer;
Costs and operational expenses analysis provision;
Subcontracts allocation, and co-execution;
Execution of the Customer's separate functions (representative of the Customer);
Analysis provision and sums confirmation, which have to be transferred to contractor or executor;
Consultation of the Customer at work rejection nonconforming to subcontract documents;
Consultation at approval of separate elements of non-bearing structures and parts;
Preparation of the orders and instructions' drafts concerning the project change;
Corresponding documents and auxiliary documentation drawing up as to structures and elements change;
Recommendations at minor changes, which do not result in contract amount or terms revision;
Inspections carrying out for the purpose of work completion date clarification and recommendations giving as to schedule revision;
Registration provision and written guarantees submission to the Customer;
Decisions making as to aesthetic requirements stipulated by the contract;
Consultations at assembly and working drawings approval as well as data of products and samples;
Assistance at decision making and materials preparation concerning disputes of the Customer and the Contractor, interpretation of written decisions related to all claims, disputes and other questions arising between the Customer and the Contractor;
Final confirmation preparation for payment carrying out pursuant to subcontract documents requirements;
Additional inspections or tests provision;
Determination of technical possibility and economic expediency of work planned in the given location at specified terms;
Carrying out of building continuous inspections and measurements for the purpose of quality check or work quantity;
Analysis of construction means, methods, technologies, operations or procedures sequences application;
To provide control over means, construction methods, operations or procedures sequence, construction safety procedures;
Consultation of the Customer and recommendations development concerning prices stability;
Approval of all financial documents, including certificates of contractor's work acceptance who works under direct contract;
Assistance in estimate materials approval at any stage;
Performance of arbitrator function at contract tenders;
Consultations at approval or modifications entering into structures, working schedule influencing cost of works and construction period;
To determine how a contractor used money that has been paid him earlier from a sum of subcontract.